You have a great design ready for printing.  Now comes the challenging part. You need to pair this same design with the right t-shirt color.  Having the right t-shirt colors will put your designs over the top. We can start our search with the top selling t-shirt colors.


What are the top selling t-shirt colors?  The following are the top selling colors for t-shirts:


  • Black
  • Navy
  • Gray
  • White
  • Red


The color black is so popular that there are dedicated production lines assigned for this color alone.  If you want bolder colors, you may consider royal blue and orange.


There is a tip about the most popular t-shirt colors in Merch by Amazon.  You will see these same colors lined up at the top row of the selection panel.  These colors are black, navy, and gray.


Coed Monkey, a leading soft t-shirt printer, supports this claim since they say that these same three colors are their top sellers for 2018.


I will discuss each color below and explain what works best when paired with them.


Image by stokedonprinting

Black Colored T-Shirt


If you have a design that is white or with predominantly white color, printing it on top of a black garment would be an instant classic.


There are a lot of design and print process variations that you can freely test out with the color black.  It is also the perfect t-shirt color for if you have a light colored geometric figure and white fort prints in your design.


Black colored t-shirts will enable your design to really burst out and be noticed immediately.  The eye can’t afford to miss it. The contrast here allows the design to be more prominent. Also, the color goes very well with almost everything that is in your wardrobe.  Pairing it with any shade of jeans or trousers is very easy. It will definitely make your fashion wear decisions quite easy to configure when it comes to properly select accessories because it works well with all of these.


Black color t-shirts will save you plenty of time handpicking what to wear.  You will be up to it with all occasions whether it be a party, a date, or just simply a casual fun night out.


It is also obvious that black colors can camouflage dirt and stains so it works well for outdoor wear.  Camping out, trail hiking, and other similar activities can be served better if you are wearing this color.  


You don’t need to worry about looking and feeling dirty unlike with light colored garments.


You will save time washing these t-shirts and free up space inside your bag for you don’t have to bring a lot of things to wear.


It is also a fashion statement color.  People who wear black often project confidence in the manner that they move and act.  It is a mark of elegance and sophistication.


Lastly, the color black hides irregularities and flaws within the body.  People who are figure conscious wear this to shroud those unnecessary bulges and baby fat.


Navy Colored T-Shirt


This color has variations within it.  These colors are the indigo dye, bright navy blue, and purple navy.


This color projects an aura of sophistication and neutrality.


You can use vintage fonts, both in black and gray colors, and graphic designs and they will work well with this color.


Pairing this t-shirt color with images in light colors and texts would also serve well in selling your products.


Navy blue is essential in a man’s wardrobe.  Aside from being popular, it is also fashionable.  They are not difficult to match with other pieces of clothing to be able to have a very effective combination worn.


Just like the black color, the navy t-shirt allows you flexibility in casual wear.  You can put this on for those lazy Sunday morning strolls or a fun night out in town.


I would like to add that the color navy, according to psychologists, promotes intelligence, trust, and success.  No wonder politicians prefer this color in their suits.


This color is universal.  


You can regularly wear this t-shirt color every day and there is a high probability that you will not hear untoward comments about this.  You do not stand out with this color, you blend in.


Navy t-shirts can match any skin complexion around.  Whether you are black, white, Asian, or any other race, this color will look good on you.


Also, this color promotes energy and vitality which in the end, rejuvenates the wearer.  You don’t feel tired, sad or boring with this color.


There is also a similarity between the navy and black t-shirts.  Both will save you time in deciding what to wear.


It can be paired easily with other pants and accessories.  No wonder that people who are important and held powerful positions (Barack Obama) prefer this color.  They don’t want to be saddled with less important decisions such as what to wear.


Gray Colored T-Shirt


This is a very versatile color that will your design stand out prominently whether it be of the types that are predominantly white or dark.  


This is a neutral oriented color that can work well also with bright colors.  


I suggest using this gray background for artwork in big, bold colors, large photographs, and most t-shirts that are inspired by fashion.  It will also provide an excellent contrast with plain geometric designs and hyperrealist graphics.


Aside from that, it will also make text images pop into prominence.  Slogan t-shirts in black and white or even with bolder fonts can make use of this color as its background.


Its simplicity is its greatest attribute.  You can look effortlessly fashionable wearing this t-shirt color.  Just look at Mark Zuckerberg.


Another reason why you may want to consider wearing gray colored t-shirts especially if you’re the kind of guy who sweats a lot is that it takes much longer for sweat stains to appear.  This is so, especially in the t-shirt’s armpit area.


You don’t have to worry about mixing it with dark colored garments when doing laundry.  It will not be affected by it.


If you also like to wear undershirts, you must really consider using gray colored ones.  It blends better and it is less visible especially when paired with dress shirts that are white or lightly colored.


White Colored T-Shirt


You can consider white t-shirts as timeless.  It can be comfortably worn at all times and on all occasions.


It is a popular color in offices because it promotes professionalism and authority.  It is the dominant color worn during conferences and conventions.


However, since white t-shirts are mostly identified with leisure wear, there is a resistance to it being worn in this place.  


It has since made some strides as you can see it being tagged as smart office wear.  On casual work days, you just have to pair it with the right set of pants.


You can wear your designer a white t-shirt with a smart pair of jeans.  These pair of jeans will have to be a fitted one and preferably coming in a classic color such as indigo.  It can have details but it needs to be subtle.


Or, you may pair this same white t-shirt with a smarter pair of neatly tailored trousers that comes in gray or black.  This will be a classic look and immediately become a hit in the office.


To address this, consider wearing also the right accessories with it.


It is also deemed stylish as you get to see this color being worn mostly as part of the overall attire worn in schools.


White color predominates in festive and special occasions such as weddings, graduation, communion, confirmation and other special religious events.  Grooms and men in the bridal entourage wear this more often than any other colors.


With a white shirt, you can easily dress up and down depending on the event at hand.  


Try pairing it with smart jeans or classic black pants and you will still get the same effect of being appropriately dressed for an occasion.


Red Colored T-Shirt


This is a color that can be considered hot both literally and figuratively.  


Studies show that red almost automatically elicits a response from a viewer.  You will definitely stand out just wearing this t-shirt even without a design on it.


That is why for bold projects, red is the right color to select.  If you have a message that you are trying hard to share with people, put it in block letters in white and have it printed on red t-shirts.  You will not be ignored definitely.


In the world of sports, red is considered to be a color that will give undue advantage to the team or individual wearing it.  There are two reasons that have been studied by Durham University and proven somewhat true as to why this is so.


First, athletes who are wearing this color as the predominant one on their jerseys are tested to be having increased heart rates and superior strength compared to others who are mostly wearing blue colors.


Second, judges in these athletic competitions have a bias towards athletes wearing this color.  They think of these competitors as the more aggressive and dominant performer and therefore have a better than average chance of winning the competition.


You can gain from this information in case you want to draw athletic or sports-based designs.  You can test these same designs on red t-shirts.


We can gain from these facts gathered that the color red projects power and strength.  


You can even say that people who wear red t-shirts have a greater amount of confidence in themselves by the mere fact that they are wearing this color.  It wouldn’t be a surprise for me at all that they feel that they think of themselves as very much superior over others.


Royal Blue and Orange


I mentioned earlier that these colors are also top selling ones that can be considered if you want bolder colors.


These two colors are cousins of their more famous kin.  Royal blue is a relative of blue as you may see implied from the name and orange is a sibling of red.


I recommend that you use royal blue if you find blue too bland.  It is as simple as that.


Red is already a bold choice as explained earlier.  If you are taking a shot with orange t-shirts then know that it will lend a fiercer tone to the garment which will obviously extend to the design.


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